Schema Therapy Masterclass

Fine Tuning Imagery Re-Scripting

a 1-Day Workshop with Dr Rob Brockman

Dr Rob Brockman
Singapore law requires a disclosure that a psychology qualification is not a medical or dental qualification
Face to Face Workshop

A Workshop for Practitioners

Have you delayed doing imagery because of your own anxieties about your practice? Have you had clients say - "I can't remember my childhood" or "I can't do imagery"? Are you looking for novel ways to increase your skills and capacity to increase corrective emotional experiences in clients? Imagery Re-scripting is a key aspect of Schema Therapy and a powerful experiential tool. Furthermore, research over the last 10 years has focused on how imagery work can be utilized as a standalone treatment for childhood trauma.

This workshop will focus specifically on how therapists can become more skilled in developing strong corrective emotional experiences that result in significant emotional, cognitive and behavioural change. The workshop will include demonstrations of:

  1. Imagery re-scripting of childhood trauma

  2. Managing detachment and avoidance in imagery

  3. Imagery to strengthen healthy adult

The workshop will utilize newly developed video teaching resources that focus specifically on imagery re-scripting work. Time will be allocated for role playing imagery re-scripting skills.

Learning Objectives:

  • Assisting attendees to further develop skills to enhance the imagery re-scripting process

  • Developing skills to harness the strength of the healthy adult via imagery

  • Assisting in developing therapists' own attunement to clients, leading to better imagery linking

  • Assisting therapists in developing methods and strategies to bypass emotional avoidance

  • Ways to manage emotional flooding in clients

  • Assist in developing self compassion in clients


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